BLEVEC (Bedfordshire & Luton Emergency Volunteers Executive Committee) is an important and valued resource in responding to emergencies.
Emergency volunteers bring with them a variety of skills, so they could find themselves leafleting nearby residents to put them on evacuation standby, helping to identify people at risk, helping with an evacuation, registering evacuees, providing refreshments, keeping people informed and when the emergency is over, helping them return home safely.
The most common joint activity carried out by BLEVEC is the setup and running of
emergency assistance centres.
BLEVEC co-ordinates volunteers from nationally recognised groups such as WRVS, British Red Cross, St John Ambulance, and the Samaritans. There are more local volunteer groups such as Midshires Search and Rescue Organisation and BHC 4 x 4 Response, and there are also independent volunteers who are not part of any other group, but still give up their time to be trained to help in an emergency.
We are proud as organisation to have 5 BLEVEC commanders on our team of volunteers.
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