Leighton Linslade Helpers
We are a volunteer group which was formed on 20 March 2020 primarily to support our community through the Covid-19 Pandemic as a food bank. We quickly grew into a large family of volunteers that started to help our community in a wide variety of ways. During the pandemic we became affiliated with BLEVEC (Bedfordshire Local Emergency Volunteers Executive) and became part of the local contingency network, working with the both the local and neghbouring authorities and other agencies. We also ran a number of 'feel-good' events to help maintain the community spirit during times of lock-down.
In October 2021 we took the step of becoming a registered charity (1196332), this has enabled us to seek additional funding from various grant distributing bodies. We are also registered with HMRC for Gift Aid purposes allowing us to reclaim tax on personal donations.
Today we liaise with our local Armed Forces charity, our local and neighbouring authorities, and local homeless charities in the support of the homeless, refugees and those in financial need. Our food bank continues to be in high demand, particularly due to the pressures on household budgets caused by high inflation and fuel costs. We now operate a community fridge working with local supermarkets to help reduce food waste. We maintain our links to BLEVEC being in a position to supply food and volunteers to man assistance centres in the event of civil emergencies. We have also instigated a volunteer programme which actively encourages those with special needs, mental health issues and the young attaining their Duke of Edinburgh to volunteer for their health and happiness.
More recently we have started working with the Meadow Way Community Centre in order to re-invigorate that facility. As such we will be holding 'check-in and chat cafe' events and starting a second community fridge to make it easier for those on the eastern flank of town to access our services.
In keeping with our name, we aim to work in collaboration with as many other local organisations as possible, providing support or working on projects together. There is strength and power in numbers and we love to see others succeed. Follow us on social media to keep abreast of our projects as they occur.